Thursday, May 28, 2020

Representation and Analysis of the Reproductive Body in Aliens - Literature Essay Samples

Directed by James Cameron, Aliens is the sequel to the Alienfilm of 1979 under Ridley Scott’s direction. The story continues fifty-seven years after the events of the first film and follows officer Ellen Ripley as she returns with marines to the Alien-inhabited planet. Aliensprovides insight into a previously unanswered question about the origin of the Alien eggs by introducing an Alien Queen. Thus, the Queen in turn introduces two perspectives of the reproductive body, the Alien body and the human body, and allows the audience to draw comparisons between them. The maternal body in particular has long been regarded with both fear and fascination in response to both its maternal and abject natures (Hanson 96). In relation to conception and pregnancy, some theorists view the feminine body as a shaped territory comprised of various areas and orifices where the distinction between clean and dirty, proper and improper, and possible and impossible can be impressed and expressed (Kri steva 72). Thus, the maternal body can be conceptualized as a junction of sorts where nature can confront culture, or nurture as the unresolved debate would name it (Hanson 95). In Aliens, this junction is personified by both the Queen and Ripley – the Queen as primal nature in opposition to Ripley as learned culture. Moreover, by including a character such as the Queen and creating instances of interaction between her and Ripley, Cameron facilitates some debate concerning the accompanying associations of motherly instinct and nature. Cameron does not create a unique Alien reproductive body, but instead closely models it after that of the human. It is important to note that all scenes depicting the procreative functions of the Alien body are quite literal – not much is left to be implied by the audience’s imagination. Rather than interpreting the meaning from the symbols of primal human nature, it is simply a matter of recognizing them. Introduction of the Alien Queen clarifies the reproductive cycle of the Aliens as a three-part process: first, the Queen lays eggs carrying the Facehuggers; second, the Facehuggers live up to their namesakes, implant an Alien embryo into an (unlucky) human host, then detach and die; finally, the embryo matures into the also aptly named Chestburster and exits the host (Aliens 00:34:21). Each stage of the cycle cinematically alludes to the human female reproductive cycle, often through quite obvious visual similarities. The egg-laying stage is shown at the same time as the Queen is revealed, and the audience can easily identify this scene as an external depiction of the womb. While hurrying to find an escape from the station, Ripley and Newt discover a dark, wet, slimy room filled with hundreds of eggs (2:13:28-2:14:50). The camera follows Ripley as she surveys the room, eventually seeing an egg being deposited onto the floor from a large, membranous tube that immediately calls to mind the look of fallopian tubes. Continuing its path upwards, the camera discovers an enormous egg sac holding more eggs and this can be taken as a symbol of ovaries. Finally, the egg sac is shown to be attached to the Alien Queen and even she is coated in mucous, solidifying her place as an integral aspect of womb. Furthermore, the eggs themselves follow the pattern of organ representation, as do the physical features and release of the Facehuggers. The eggs have the typical round, elongated shape with four flaps covering an opening at the top. The flaps unfold outwards from the center, giving it a vaginal appearance, and the Facehugger forcibly ejects itself from the egg in a visceral display of childbirth. The undersides of the Facehuggers are much more accurate in their vaginal appearance than the eggs, as is their phallic protrusion that inserts the embryo into the human’s chest (00:55:40). The Alien gestation cycle comes to completion in another violent spectacle of childbirth as the Chestburster emerge s. Unlike their Alien counterparts, some depictions of the human reproductive body in the film are entirely figurative. For example, the crew discovers Ripley in the shuttle by using a robotic arm reminiscent of a phallic symbol, or perhaps surgical implements, to explore the wreckage (00:04:02). Indeed, the medical connotations are supported by Ripley’s nightmare while in the infirmary, which stands in stark contrast to the Queen’s birthing room. Ripley lies on a clean, white hospital bed surrounded by similarly clean staff and equipment and thus more closely resembles normal human labor than the darkened, dirty room of the Queen (00:07:35). The scene intensifies as Ripley lifts her hospital gown to expose her stomach and Alien movement is visible within her abdomen (00:08:12). Ripley’s body is analogous to hostile place here, and Cameron’s decision to place this scene much earlier in the movie than the Alien nest scene ultimately establishes an element of e quality between the human body and the Alien body and by extension the arguably hostile room of eggs. Thus, he effectively links nature and culture by reminding the audience of the maternal body’s dual portrayal in Ripley and the Queen. Again, the discovery of the Queen cinematically emphasizes this equality by positing her at Ripley’s eye-level. But this scene simultaneously identifies the Queen as the monstrous opposition or other by alternating close-ups her massive body with the faces of Ripley and Newt, the lone survivor of an Alien attack (02:14:22). Issues of maternal instinct come into play when Ripley learns of the loss of her daughter but finds a surrogate in Newt. The two form a close bond as they fill a need in the other: a child for Ripley and a parent for Newt. Several scenes depict Ripley’s maternal instinct, such as her acts of care when Newt initially comes on board (01:01:46), tucking her into bed (01:33:12), and finally rescuing her from being an embryonic host (02:12:23). The Queen’s maternal instincts also come to light after the pair stumble upon her nest. The Queen summons fully mature Alien warriors to the nest and Ripley, realizing the danger of the situation, warns the Queen by waving a flamethrower over her precious eggs (02:15:06). Immediately the Alien warriors are called off, and Ripley and Newt are allowed to leave on the understanding that they will not be hurt if they do not cause hurt. Noticing an egg beginning to open, Ripley is unable to just walk away from an entire room full of the sp awn, so she sets fire to all the eggs and harms the Queen upon their departure (02:15:57). Ripley shifts from her role as a mother to her role as an officer, thus allowing the Queen’s role to similarly shift from monster to vengeful mother. The juxtaposition of these roles culminates in the climax of the film where Ripley and the Queen face off one-on-one and is further emphasized by Ripley’s use of war machinery (02:25:57). At this point, the maternal bodies of both species have called into question the strictly biological nature of reproduction and the emotionally-attached nature of child-rearing. The destruction of the Facehugger eggs followed by the Queen’s revenge should make the audience re-evaluate all conceptions of a good mother and consider it from an Alien perspective. In this way, James Cameron is deliberately ambiguous so as to facilitate a debate of the real monster of the film and perhaps a winner of the nature versus culture conflict. The audience must decide if the Queen is justified in seeking vengeance or if Ripley is pardoned from killing numerous young, though both did so only in the interest of the continued survival of their respective species. Of course, in terms of the film the only answer to give would be in support of Ripley for protecting the human race. Nonetheless, several questions are raised when considering the representations of the maternal body and habits of mot herhood in all its capacities, whether alien or human. Works Cited Aliens. Directed by James Cameron, 20th Century Fox, 1986. Hanson, Clare. â€Å"The Maternal Body.† The Cambridge Companion to the Body in Literature, edited by David Hillman and Ulrika Maude, Cambridge University Press, 2015, pp. 87-100. Kristeva, Julia. Powers of Horror: An Essay on Abjection. Columbia University Press, 1982.

Saturday, May 16, 2020

Childhood Obesity Essay - 2532 Words

Introduction Obesity is on the rise in America. News articles and scientific reports unanimously agree that America is becoming the most overweight country in the world, and other developing countries are not far behind. In addition, these countries children are now becoming as overweight as their parents and other adults. Unlike these adults, children seldom have the knowledge and control over their lifestyle to contribute to either health or obesity. Prominent researchers in the field exemplify the need for quick action. They state, The effects of childhood obesity on morbidity and mortality indicate that effective prevention and therapy for childhood obesity are likely to have a significant impact on adult disease†¦show more content†¦Being overweight can have both psychological and physical ramifications. Obesity is linked to diabetes, high blood pressure, cardiovascular disease, total mortality and certain cancers in adulthood (Harlan 2). Research published in the New E ngland Journal of Medicine states that obesity present in young women was associated with an adverse impact associated with an adverse impact on household income, education, and rates of marriage, poverty, and college completion (Gortmaker 1008). Reducing the incidence of obesity will benefit these parts of society as well. Furthermore, according to research by Price, Overweight children are especially vulnerable to stigmatization because of the importance given to physical skills and appearance during the developmental years (95). Additional research has looked at childrens views toward other children who show a disability. Results showed that depictions of obese children were consistently rated less positively than most of the other depictions of children, including children in wheelchairs, on crutches, with limbs missing, and with facial deformity (95). With research showing these serious effects, ways to effectively reduce and prevent childhood adiposity (body fat) must be offered. Changes in diet, exercise, and the implementation of social programs are three presented here. Effect of Diet The first argument states that diet is the problem and should be addressed to controlShow MoreRelatedChildhood Obesity : A Obesity1247 Words   |  5 PagesChildhood Obesity: A Review to Prevent the Risk Factors of Childhood Obesity in Our Community. The rates of childhood obesity Worldwide are alarmingly high! Obesity is a global nutritional concern and leads to horrible consequences on our children and becomes a worldwide pandemic. Worldwide estimates of obesity are as high as 43 million, and rates continue to increase each year. 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020

baseball turnaround Essay - 654 Words

nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;The title of this book is Baseball Turnaround and the author is Matt Christopher. This is a story of baseball and how it is a team sport. The book relates with the title by showing how this boy named Sandy Comstock that plays on the Grantville Raiders and has a big game coming up. It was against the Newtown Raptors. He wanted to beat them and become one of the best teams. By the time he knew it he ended up on the Newtown Raptors team and he was going to play is old team. It was kind of like a baseball turnaround. Sportsmanship is an important when you are in sports. When Sandy was coaching the Dolphins, an orphanage baseball team, he gave good†¦show more content†¦He was a big kid and Sandy didn’t want to ask him to move so he reached around his back and accidentally touched him and he turned around. He asked what he wanted and he Sandy said a magazine. The kid, a red head, pushed him and knocked down a rack. The store manager got mad and kicked Sandy out of the store and the kids were out there also. The kids had a lot of candy and magazines. One of the kids gave Sandy a magazine that he tried to look at and the kid said â€Å"your not so bad†. They hung out a while then went to an abandoned shed. They started smoking a cigar and they asked Sandy if he wanted some. Sandy said no. So one kid got up and pushed him. He hit him and Sandy knocked the table over and there were candles on it. He started running home. The next morning the cops showed up at Sandy’s apart ment. They wanted to talk to him about last night. He started telling the officer about the kids and what they did. The officer responded â€Å"the old man in the apartment saw a kid running from the shed with a raiders baseball cap on†. Not really anyone wears those around. He went to juvenile court and spoke out. After that, Sandy went home and he ended up on being on probation with his probation officer. 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Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Career Resume-Free Sample

Resume of: Career Objective: To achieve a respectable position in the power electronics field, through utilizing the academic and the professional skills. To attain this I would like to work in a innovative and participative working environment. Educational Qualification: B.Sc. in Electronics from Bharatiyar University Grade: Project Grade: Post Diploma in Power Electronics from NTTF Training Institute. Grade: Project Grade: Professional Experiences: Currently working for American Power Conversion (APC) - A Schneider Electric Company Pvt. Ltd. Tenure 1: October 2011 to December 2011 Main Project: Charger current too low failure in Tomcat model Target of the Project: To ensure the failure of the TOMCAT reduced to 11% from current rate of 40%. My role: Test Engineer in Plant 5 Major Role: To monitor the failures in the PCB level testing and to provide suitable actions Tenure 2: May 2012 to July 2012 Main Project: Automation of In-circuit Test program up-gradation Target of the Project: To ensure that each of the test system has the latest program and tester My role: Senior Test Engineer in Plant 5 Major Role: To take care of the testing materials for a given production line To support the testing needs of the Indian manufacturing group To ensure the safety measures To conduct meeting with Cross-functional team and doing analysis of the breakdowns To identify the defects in the process flow and to ensure 100% NPF To up-grade the test equipments and conduct regular preventive maintenance To provide training to the test engineers and to develop work instruction manuals for the test engineers Tenure 3: August 2012 to October 2012 Main Project: Programming failure reduction in Cheetha Model Target of the Project: To ensure that not a single non-programmed board should go to UPS build line after conformal coating. My role: Senior Test Engineer in Plant 5 Major Role: To take care of the testing equipments To ensure the safety precautions within the working areas and its adjacent areas To conduct meeting with my team on the OEE and FTY issues To implement test specifications in ATE using Lab View, C, C++ To develop prototype of new test equipments To conduct training for the teat engineers and to develop training documents To assist the engineers to develop hardware and the software To test the engineering documentation To develop safety awareness within the employees Software Skills: In-depth knowledge of Microsoft Office package (Word, Excel, Poewr point and Access) Schneider Professional drawing program Knowledge of Lab View, C and C++ Personal Information: Full Name: Date of Birth: Nationality: Contact Number: E-mail ID: Passport Number: Validity Period: Marital Status: Career Episode -1 Duration: October 2011 to December 2011 Name of the Company: APC Designation: Test Engineer INTRODUCTION C.E.1 : This project covers the period October, 2011 to Dececember,2011. I handled this project at American Power Conversion (APC) (where I am working)-A Schneider Electric Company (I) Pvt.Ltd,IDF5,#187/3/3 Jigani,Bangalore-562106,Karnataka,India. My designation during this project was Test Engineer. The project was - Charger Current Too low Failure in Tomcat model BACK GROUND: C.E.1.1 : The nature of the engineering project was to ensure that the failure target of TOMCAT ( UPS System) was kept at 11% as against the existing failure rate of 40%. The features of the TOMCAT ups system are: 15-20kVA, Double conversion UPS UPS can be configured as 3:3, 3:1 or 1:1 for single feed or dual feed. In Bypass Mode, Inverter can work as PFC to keep charger and logic power supply functional incase PFC is unable to operate Unit can be turned-on without batteries. Smart Battery Management, through CAN communication between UPS and Battery Packs C.E.1.2: The objective of the project was to ensure and keep the failure target of TOMCAT at 11% as against an existing failure rate of 40%. The other objective was to bring out much efficient performance of the product through minimizing the TOMCAT failure. C.E.1.3: The nature of my particular work area was to closely monitor all the failures in the PCB level testing and provide corrective action. As a team member of DPU reduction team, I collected all failure rates related to this product in PCB functional test. C.E.1.4: ORGANIZATION CHART In the above chart I am working in plant 5 as a Senior Test Engineer C.E.1.5: My duties and responsibilities are as follows: C.E.1.5A: As a member of test engineering team, I am responsible to take care of test relates equipment like In Circuit Testers (i.e Teradyne ICT machines), PCB Functional test jigs and test fixtures for UPS Testing. C.E.1.5B: Responsible to ensure safety measures in work place and supporting to health and safety department to implement safety feature in testing area. Identifying risks and giving mitigation for identified risks. C.E.1.5C: Schedule meeting in weekly basis with my team to discuss OEE (Overall Equipment efficiency), and FTY (First through Yield) and plan tasks for forthcoming week. C.E.1.5D: Responsible to Implement test specifications in ATE using Lab View / C, C++ software. C.E.1.5E: Constructs prototype of new test equipment and work with construction test team to debug of high volume production test hardware and software. C.E.1.5F: Modifies existing test hardware and software to support new products and validate new designed test jigs. C.E.1.5G: Conduct training session to test group on new test setup and preparing work instruction to operate. C.E.1.5H: Assists design engineers in the development of hardware and software to meet detailed test specifications and works with design engineering to correct design related problems. C.E.1.5I: Drafts and reviews test engineering documentation to ensure accuracy. C.E.1.5J: Completes all fixture release procedures, including documentation, checklist, and specifications. C.E.1.5K: Test and evaluate new and alternate sourcing of instruments and spare parts. C.E.1.5 L: To conduct safety training and awareness to test jig users periodically. C.E.1.5 M: Ensure all preventive maintenance and checks for instrument calibration dues. C.E.1.6: PERSONAL WORKPLACE ACTIVITY C.E.1.6A: How you applied your engineering knowledge skills: In my POST Diploma in Power Electronics ( NTTF Training Center,)second semester I have learned Microcontroller 8086.This helped me to understand the functionally and the response of the programming IC In my POST Diploma in Power Electronics ( NTTF Training Center,)second semester I have learned PIC microcontroller .This helps me to understand the functionality of the RTC C In My B.Sc. Electronics which I have completed from Bharatiyar University I have Learned Microcontroller 8085 which helps me in understanding the functionality of RTC C C.E.1.6B: Tasks delegated to me how I accomplished them The test process that was followed was to do the ICT test then programming and then send the board for conformal coating. After doing the conformal coating the boards will be send to the final build line for assembling to ups. The assembled ups will be undergoing final test if the RTC board is not programmed it will fail in the start up. We were not doing any verification for the board whether it is programmed correctly and there is no Quasar entry for this board (Quasar is database for checking the pass or fail of board with the board serial number). Operator in a tracking sheet tracked this where some time the operator fails to update and it was human depended. As per the procedure is concern, there is a switch that the operator needs to select in the RTC board for doing programming. Sometimes if the operator forgets to select the switch in the right-position and it will program wrongly. To overcome this failure I have made an automated test setup to perform the programming verification before sending to the conformal coating. I have designed a BON (bed of nails) which can be interfaced with Functional tester. The bon consist of a controller unit which is used in the UPS .In the ups the Rtc board will be connected to a main controller. As per the main controller instruction, it is performing the function. My idea is to simulate the same this by powering up the controller .The controller will be interfaced with a computer that is loaded lab view program. The communication with the controller and the computer will be mode bus communication. Through mode bus communication, the computer is checking the hex data present in the address lines whether it is programmed or not. For the following test steps of functional test it is necessary to put the RTC1 PCBA under full operation, this means that serial communication with Application PCBA C via CMX1 PCBA has to be established to read out values of RTC1 PCBA and to check all functionality of PVO1 C. For that reason, it is necessary to connect the RTC1 PCBA via S400 connector and via a CMX1 PCBA to an AIC electronic control block (application - , display - , terminal - , HHP_I1 - and HHP_MC1 - PCBA). In addition, test equipment (e.g. a LABVIEW tester) with modbus communication function (or PC with MBU-PARAM software tool) has to be connected to the electronic control block to exchange data with RTC1 C via application PCBA software interface. Following software has to be used on AIC electronic control block (inside fixture): Application PCBA: 1 (XCAPP_iX1.1IE06#1.mot) HHP_MC1 PCBA: ( RTC1: (device under test): (XCRTC1_X1.1IE02#1.hex) This step is only necessary, to check at beginning whether the content of the EEPROM and software version of AIC controlblock (parts of fixture) are O.K. First power up to build up the configuration for modbus communication -Apply +24V 0,2V DC at HHP_I1 PCBA from P24M1 (X4-2,4,9) to 0VM (X4-1,3,8) -Apply +5V 0,1V DC at HHP_MC1 PCBA from P5F (X1-18,24,38) to 0VF (X1-20,32,36) -Apply +15V 0,1V DC at HHP_MC1 PCBA from P7F (X1-12) to 0VF (X1-20,32,36) Next is modbus diaog setup by start the labview modbus communication tool. modbus address 248 since this value is always accepted. -Read object MODE until this object become OK; timeout = 1min -Write 0x0002 to object PARA to enable parameter access via modbus - Write 0x23FF to object SVCD to enable RTC1 test parameters RS422 communication RTC1-APP: First power up to build up the configuration for modbus communication -Apply +24V 0,2V DC at HHP_I1 PCBA from P24M1 (X4-2,4,9) to 0VM (X4-1,3,8) -Apply +5V 0,1V DC at HHP_MC1 PCBA from P5F (X1-18,24,38) to 0VF (X1-20,32,36) -Apply +15V 0,1V DC at HHP_MC1 PCBA from P7F (X1-12) to 0VF (X1-20,32,36) Next is modbus diaog setup by start the labview modbus communication tool. modbus address 248 since this value is always accepted. -Read object MODE until this object become OK; timeout = 1min -Write 0x0002 to object PARA to enable parameter access via modbus - Write 0x23FF to object SVCD to enable RTC1 test parameters -Wait 5sec. after Modbus communication has been established - Read object RTST to verify if RS422 connection between application and RTC1 PCBA is working; timeout = 10s.The response should be 0x0001 -Read RTC1 software version -Check self test Results Read object RTER to verify if selftest results after power up are O.K.; timeout = 10s The response should be 0x0001 Read RTC1 software version Read object RTST to verify if RS422 connection between application and RTC1 PCBA is working; timeout = 10s Power off Switch OFF all power supplies from above Power ON test step (24V, 5V, 15V) After this the test is completed the serial number of the board will be send to Quasar Any particular difficulties/problems you encountered and how you solved them First I have planned a manual test setup to verifying the RTC boards .With a pc and jig verify the board and then send the serial number manually to the Quasar (serial number tracking database). Then I found that it is not a full proof system and there is a chance of operator to skip the test. The I discussed with the lab view engineer to develop a lab view program .After confirmation I have made BON which can be interface with the fixture then with the help of lab view program the quasar entry will be automated and the problem is solved. Summery My view of the overall project is that all the objectives of the project were met i.e. Programming failure reduction in Cheetha Model. The project met is its goal i.e. (a)After impimenthin the programming verification test I have noticed zero failure in the ups build line (b) No board are moving to scrap because the failure able to monitor before conformal coating itself (c) saving the cost of 37872$ per annum. I was fully involved in the project and I have received appreciation certificate from management for cost saving of USD 37872 per annum. I was able to apply my knowledge and work skills to deliver the requirements of the project. I was able to apply design techniques, and function independently and as a team.